(Re-uploaded the video with cleaned audio).
This is a fully automated DevOps CI/CD project. In this project, we automate a complete DevOps pipeline using Jenkins, SonarQube, Docker, ECR (Amazon Elastic Container Registry), and AWS services.
You'll learn how to set up a Jenkins pipeline to build and deploy an application into AWS, with quality checks using SonarQube and security scans using Trivy.
The pipeline will also push Docker images to AWS ECR and handle Docker image cleanup. This video will walk you through step-by-step, from Jenkins setup to deployment. We have also added a tutorial on how to create a sub-domain from the load balancer endpoint using Route53.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/pandacloud1/DevopsProject2.git
AWS Account: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/accounts/latest/reference/manage-acct-creating.html
AWS CLI Setup: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html
VS Code & Terraform Setup for Windows: https://code.visualstudio.com/download
Tools used:
Jenkins for Continuous Integration (CI)
SonarQube for Code Quality Analysis
Docker for Containerization
AWS ECR for storing Docker images
Trivy for vulnerability scanning
Terraform for infrastructure as code (IAC)
0:00 Introduction
6:10 Pre-requisites
08:27 Configuration
14:29 Creating Jenkins server using Terraform
26:40 Access Jenkins Server
26:57 Configure SonarQube
34:35 Configure Jenkins
45:38 Build Pipeline Overview
49:17 Writing Build pipeline code from scratch
1:41:27 Running Build pipeline
1:52:24 Creating EKS using Terraform
1:59:48 Deployment pipeline overview
2:05:00 Running Deployment pipeline
2:09:00 Access Prometheus, Grafana & ArgoCD
2:12:08 Deploy Application using ArgoCD
2:18:26 Access Amazon prime Application
2:19:33 Creating sub-domain using Route53
2:23:51 Access Grafana & create dashboard
2:27:07 Running Cleanup pipeline
2:34:30 Cleanup Jenkins Server & AWS EKS using Terraform
Want to learn AWS & Devops?
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[email protected]
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