奧地利攝影師不敢相信台灣紀錄片反應這麼熱烈! 🎬❤️🇦🇹 [我希望台灣人能感受到驕傲!] Austrian Videographer Promotes Taiwan To The World!

奧地利攝影師不敢相信台灣紀錄片反應這麼熱烈! 🎬❤️🇦🇹 [我希望台灣人能感受到驕傲!] Austrian Videographer Promotes Taiwan To The World!

160.303 Lượt nghe
奧地利攝影師不敢相信台灣紀錄片反應這麼熱烈! 🎬❤️🇦🇹 [我希望台灣人能感受到驕傲!] Austrian Videographer Promotes Taiwan To The World!
🎁《歐洲人在台灣》影集 #禮物大放送 Europeans in Taiwan #GIVEAWAY 🎁 透過《歐洲人在台灣》影集,我 將為您帶來與來自16國歐盟會員國在台辦事處成員或其在台灣生活公民的訪談,聽他們分享在這座美麗島嶼上生活的點點滴滴!🇪🇺歐洲經貿辦事處將隨著每一集《#歐洲人在台灣》在臉書和IG粉專上舉辦抽獎活動,達成以下所有條件就有機會獲得影片中的 #歐盟小禮! In the “Europeans in Taiwan” mini-series, I will be talking to nationals from all 16 EU member states present in Taiwan about their experience on this beautiful island. For every episode, the European Economic and Trade Office (#EETO) will give away EU goodies and presents both through its Facebook and Instagram page. If you would like to win the giveaway, please follow ALL the steps below! 1️⃣ 追蹤歐洲經貿辦事處臉書以及IG / Follow the EETO on Facebook and Instagram(連結請見下方 Please find the links below) 2️⃣ 按讚歐洲經貿辦事處8月20日此影片相關貼文 / Like the EETO’s related post of 20 August 3️⃣ 在歐洲經貿辦事處8月20日此影片相關貼文下留言回答貼文問題 / Answer the question in the post of 20 August in the comments -------- Link to Austria Office Taipei - https://www.bmeia.gv.at/en/austrian-office-taipei Austria-Taipei Society on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/austrian.taipei.society Michael’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mingxia75?igsh=dm4yY3M2N2FpNHkw