Arkitekt mot Michael Diamant

Arkitekt mot Michael Diamant

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Arkitekt mot Michael Diamant
Magnus Ståhl: Traditional architecture gives better sense of well-being than contemporary glass and steel buildings (VR-survey by NMBU, Norwegian University of Life Sciences) An Evidence-based Examination of the Modernism Program: The Case of Sweden: An examination of the negative consequences that modernist housing had on health and well being by Dr Gösta Alfvén, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Measured beauty? (Finish eye tracking study what makes a facade attractive for the mind) with article about the findings. Which architectural style makes an attractive street scape? Aesthetic preferences among city centre managers: Based on a sample of 109 respondents, measuring the architectural preferences of city centre managers, this study indicates that city centre managers view classical architecture in terms of being better for city centres than modernist. Der Wert schöner Wohnquartiere (Value of beautiful built environment) study of value development depending on choice of architecture by by Prof Thießen at TU Chemnitz. Modernisierung historischer Bauten (Modernisation of historic buildings study of value development depending if classical or modernist by Pantera Immobilien. Die größte Bauwende seit dem Kaiserreich: Longer article in German newspaper Die Welt about how more and more architects understand that the classical tradition is more ecological sustainable not the least because of its beauty. De waarde van stijl – Een prijsanalyse van historiserende bouwstijlen Dutch research showing that the public at large prefer traditional building designs. Opinionsundersökningar: Classical or Modern Architecture? For Americans, It’s No Contest (article about a 2020 survey of preference of federal buildings) see also this explanatory blog post Survey Shows Americans Prefer Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings 84% of the public prefer classical architecture, quote from survey by Create Streets & Prince’s Foundation For Building Community. Read the full report here: Housing Communities: What People Want. 77% prefer a new classical building if built nearby, results from survey by Yougov Folkviljan har talat – arkitekterna har fel Swedish survey of architecture preference among the public Which type of architecture does the Norweigan pulic prefer? Survey by Norstat, Norway largest statistical survey company.