When I was young I would listen to Coast to Coast AM late late into the night to learn about UFOs and different conspiracy theories and get insight into the paranormal. I often do look towards the skies and wonder if there is intelligent life out there in space. This year I was in Vegas for NAB and also to ride motorcycles for adventure, but near the end of my trip I had an extra day to use.
So I decided it would be amazing to experience driving down the Extraterrestrial highway in Rachel, Nevada in hopes to gain the bragging rights of having visited the gates of the fabled secret US Air Force Base known as Area 51.
This was our adventure with fated stops at the Alien Research Center, the world famous Little Ale'Inn and discovering mysterious things from within the Nevada desert
Shooting Fully Automatic Guns in Vegas - Vlog #42 - LIFE OF BRI
Death Valley Motorcycle Trip - Vlog #40 - LIFE OF BRI
NAB 2018 - Vlog #39 - LIFE OF BRI
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