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Grant’s shadow boxing tutorial:
In this video, I share my NEXT top ten exercises. These are the ten that didn't quite make the last top ten exercises video - but don't let that fool you! My aim last time was to choose ten that could be combined into a kind of "total body functional workout." These Ten are what take that from being a basic, bare-bones routine, into something much more comprehensive and effective.
As with last time, these top ten exercises are all things I use a lot personally (now and/or historically), things I prescribe for other people, and things I've noticed have had a massive benefit. These are functional exercises that you can perform pretty much anywhere, with minimum equipment, at any ability level. Thus, there are once again a lot of calisthenics and functional fitness-type moves included.
What's your top ten list? What did I miss out?
Should I do another 10?
Thanks gang - enjoy!