They filmed an extensive ammount of material for the Lord of the Rings movies, some of which they changed and some of which they just cut out altogether. Director Peter Jackson revealed they have over 1300 hours of raw footage from the trilogy, much of it still unreleased! In this video, we'll explore all of the deleted/unreleased and alternate scenes from The Return of the King that we know of, drawing from behind-the-scenes material, trailers and images from various sources!
Watch our other Unreleased/Unused scenes-videos!
•Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Coming back soon!
•Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers:
•The Hobbit Trilogy: Coming soon! (we're working on it)
00:00 -
00:29 Intro
00:30 -
00:55 The Original Beginning (Aragorn waiking up in Edoras)
00:56 -
01:16 Legolas and Treebeard Scene
01:17 -
02:04 Merry and Pippin in Isengard Alternatives
02:05 -
02:29 Saruman's Death Scene Extended
02:30 -
02:48 Celebration in Edoras Extended
02:49 -
03:07 Pippin and the Palantír Scene Alternative
03:08 -
03:31 Gandalf Additional Line (from trailer)
03:32 -
04:03 Pippin Leaves Merry Alternative
04:04 -
04:43 Arwen and Elrond Additional Scenes (Library scene)
04:44 -
05:14 The Original Arrival at Minas Tirith
05:15 -
05:43 Frodo Sending Away Sam Alternative
05:44 -
06:17 The Paths of the Dead Additional Line & Extended
06:18 -
07:03 The Battle of Pelennor Fields Additional Shots
07:04 -
07:58 The Witch-King Alternative Design
07:59 -
08:15 The Easterlings' Larger Presence
08:16 -
08:26 The Corsairs of Umbar Additional Shots
08:27 -
08:38 Denethor Burning Extended
08:39 -
08:49 Pippin Looking for Merry After Battle Alternative
08:50 -
09:15 Aragorn Healing Faramir
09:15 -
10:12 The Cave of Shelob Extended
10:13 -
10:45 Sam Entering Cirith Ungol Scene
10:46 -
11:11 Aragorn Suiting Up in New Armor Scene
11:12 -
11:53 The Black Gate Additional Shots & Lines
11:54 -
12:54 Aragorn Fighting Sauron (Annatar appear)
12:55 -
13:07 The Reunion of the Fellowship Alternative
13:08 -
13:25 Elrond's Horrendous Haircut
13:26 -
14:13 The Epilogue Extended & Additional Scenes
14:14 -
14:28 The Hobbits Return to the Shire Alternative
14:29 -
14:42 Gandalf Talking to Pippin in Grey Havens
14:43 -
15:31 Outro
- The full footage of the The Hobbit panel at ComicCon 2014: