In today’s video we will be learning about all the 39 keywords that exist in Python (as of 3.12). I will be covering each one very briefly, so you will probably have to do your own research if you feel like learning more about these!
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00:00 Learning Python made simple
00:05 Intro
01:12 False
01:43 None
02:34 True
03:10 and
04:07 as
05:18 assert
06:49 async
07:24 await
08:35 break
09:05 class
09:30 continue
10:58 def
11:22 del
11:58 elif
12:42 else
12:54 except
13:27 finally
13:49 for
14:10 from
14:34 global
15:31 if
16:04 import
16:28 in
17:05 is
18:18 lambda
19:51 nonlocal
21:05 not
22:18 or
23:15 pass
24:00 raise
24:18 return
25:08 try
26:14 while
27:20 with
28:31 yield
29:34 _
30:50 case
31:24 match
32:28 type
32:58 Soft keywords
33:40 Outro