The heartbreaking events in Gaza have exploded into a tsunami of waves across the world prompting an unprecedented awareness and shift in the way the world now perceives the Palestinian people, Palestine, and Israel.
A mix of hundreds of millions of all ethnicities, religions and age-groups have voiced their objection to the onslaught of oppression and killings of Palestinian children and adults, protests, boycotts, media campaigns, prayers, tears, unity and objection.
These angelic Palestinians have unconsciously given rise to large numbers of non-Muslims globally to look favorably at Islam and even converting/reverting to Islam, after they witnessed the unmatched spirituality, strength and faith of the Palestinians, men, women and children alike.
At the same time, many have developed an interest in knowing the facts about Islam’s view of those it terms ‘People of the Book’, why Muslims call them that, how Islam stands out compared to them, the position of the Quran to the Bible of the Jews and Christians, what Islam actually stands for, the Quran’s position to the Old and New Testaments and its adherents among the Christians and Jews.
0:00 Dua for our brothers and sisters in Palestine
5:23 Prophet (SAW) prepared for years
9:26 Protests
16:27 Intro
20:51 Origin of humanity
27:45 Islam rejects racial superiority
31:39 Every nation received a messenger
36:57 Who are People of The Book?
42:40 Common grounds
47:30 Who are the Jews and Christians?
58:03 Similarities between muslims and People of The Book
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