I promise my hands aren't this shaky in real life.
For clarity's sake, this video is NOT about the events of the first Dead Space game, but instead what happens shortly before Isaac Clarke's arrival on the USG Ishimura. These events are mostly told through 3 prequel stories, being Dead Space: Extraction, Dead Space: Downfall, and the comic series published in 2008.
Our goal is to estimate how many people died on Aegis VII between 2506 and 2508 while keeping track of any known survivors (and sprinkling in some lore here and there), so while the topic might be a little morbid, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
0:00 - Intro
1:02 - Aegis VII and the USG Ishimura
2:28 - The CEC's Mining Colony (2506 A.D.)
3:42 - The Marker's Discovery (2508 A.D., Local Day 890)
5:48 - P-Sec, Unitology, and the Medlab (Day 913)
9:28 - Concern and Paranoia (Days 914-918)
12:52 - Extraction (Day 920)
23:10 - Captain Mathius's Orders (Day 920)
25:05 - Planet Crack (Day 925,
32:16 - Recombination and the Dead Space (2214-2299 A.D.)
35:17 - Necromorph Outbreak (Day 925,
42:12 - Last Resorts (Day 925,
48:40 - The Last of Us (Day 925,
49:31 - Final Message
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