Acid Pauli playing an exclusive live set at Garni Temple in Armenia for Cercle.
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☞ Acid Pauli
40°06'44.8"N 44°43'48.9"E
Video credits:
Artist: Acid Pauli
Venue: Garni Temple
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mickael Fidjili & Mathieu Glissant
Sound engineer: Narek Chakhoyan
Sound mastering: Michel Avannier
Drone: Jérémie Tridard
Special thanks to Guevo and Leo from The Triângûlum Community, Giorgi from Origami and to the Armenian government, specially the culture and tourism ministry for the support.
Also to Galerie Saint-Joseph.
00:00 Acid Pauli - METHW (Intro Edit)
09:40 ID - ID
15:00 DJ Khaikhan & Dest - Mihrap (Laroz Camel Rider Remix)
21:30 Kraut ft. René Opsedee - Confetti (Acid Pauli Remix)
27:00 Davide Ferrario - Jewel Ice
31:30 Acid Pauli - Goran Utan
39:00 ID - ID
w/ Zulal - Akh Ninar (Ode To A Girl Named Ninar)
43:30 Yør Kultura - Shimming
48:00 Ruede Hagelstein - Amun
54:00 Jerome Isma-Ae & Alastor - Kubrick
1:01:00 Ian Simmonds - Uncle Sass
w/ Bei Ru - Magic Lamp Discotheque
1:07:00 Nôze - You Have To Dance (Mathias Kaden Beatpolka Remix)
1:09:00 Kermesse - Carabelas (Acid Pauli Remix)
Viken Arman On Stage
1:17:00 Acid Pauli & Viken Arman - ID (Live Edit)
1:23:00 Acid Pauli & Viken Arman - ID (Live Edit)
1:31:00 Acid Pauli & Viken Arman - ID (Live Edit)
1:37:00 Acid Pauli & Viken Arman - ID (Live Edit)
1:40:45 Interview with Acid Pauli
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
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