The documentary Encounters Latin America is an intriguing and comprehensive investigation into extraterrestrial phenomena in Latin America, crossing six countries in search of records of unexplained activities, interviews and surprising reports from people who claim to have had experiences of contact with extraterrestrial beings. Upon arriving in Brazil, the last destination of this journey, the documentary explores one of the most fascinating and enigmatic scenarios on the continent, unveiling mysteries that intrigue the entire world. Brazil is a unique Setting for inexplicable phenomena!
In Varginha, Minas Gerais, the documentary records one of the most emblematic cases in world ufology: the famous "Varginha Incident". In 1996, this small and peaceful Brazilian town became the center of global attention with reports of UFO sightings and encounters with extraterrestrial beings, marking the city's history and fueling mysteries that remain unsolved to this day. For the people of Varginha, curiosity and openness to the unknown transformed the city into a reference point in the search for answers about life beyond Earth. Minas Gerais is a hotspot of UFO Sightings.
Over the last 10 years, we (Rob Freeman, Mark McNabb and the Making Contact Team), have been traveling around the world to 21 countries, meeting CE-5 observers & documenting our experiences "in the field" with them & on our own.
Trailer for our doc “Making Contact: Be Inspired” which premiered at Starworks USA, Laughlin, NV, Nov 2, 2018:
Our famous Squamish orb that MUFON has published in a magazine as one of the top 13 in the world for 2017:
And it made it to the CTV National News in Canada here:
The full, original Squamish Orb video:
AADS "Atmospheric Anomalies Detection System", the full camera & scope equipment:
This YouTube Channel clickable link: Rob Freeman - UFO World Explorer:
Anyone may use part or all of this footage in another YouTube video as long as you post the following as is, near the top of the description, and totally visible without a viewer needing to click on “show more”, whether mobile, or desktop .. thanks so much!:
Footage used with permission from YouTube Channel: Rob Freeman - UFO World Explorer: .