A Tent in Arctic Siberia - Living, Moving, and Making a Reindeer Skin Tent.
In the far north of Siberia on the Yamal Peninsular a remote group of nomadic reindeer herders still live in tents whose design may date back thousands of years. The precursor to the modern tipi (tepee), the choom is made of fir poles and has covers of reindeer (caribou) hide. They move every few days throughout the winter so that the herd can gain access to the hidden fields of lichen that lie beneath the snow.
https://www.nomads.org/Books.html .
A short research film looking at the making and moving of the traditional choom (also chum or tchum) of the Siberian reindeer herding nomads on and around the Yamaal Peninsular. See
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr4AhknGUXAfGikkwm5kamg and http://www.nomads.org.