Guyker Tuners:
Coupon Code: OverNightLuthier
Guitar #11 the "3'banez" named after the "D'banez".
0:00 Describing the build/woods
1:07 Making the body blank
3:36 Bracing the soundboard
6:25 Routing out the body/Joining soundboard
8:05 Headstock and neck work
12:21 Attatching the fretboard
14:12 Cutting fret slots
15:36 Joining the neck and body
16:04 A problem arises
17:29 Neck shaping
18:39 Cutting the sound ports
19:55 Shellac coat
20:51 Slotting out headstock
21:36 Bridge work
22:16 Fretting
24:19 Final thoughts
26:20 Sound test