This is a series of reviews chronicling every individual boss fight in the Dark Souls series from Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3 including the DLC. It's a critical analysis examining their mechanics, move sets, and unique elements that separate them from others.
The gestures at the end of each review are a rating of sorts not meant to be taken fully seriously as it's difficult to sum up a complicated opinion with one gesture. Basically point forward roughly equals (decent), point down equals (mostly negative), and point up means (mostly positive), and then the others mostly speak for themselves.
Dark Souls:
Dark Souls 2:
Dark Souls 3:
Notes- I'm sorry this video took so long to make. I had the most production problems I've ever had when making one of these videos including my AC going out twice, loosing my voice, having to re-edit half of the video because of my voice, and lots of real life issues causing me to have to delay production. I love doing these but this one nearly killed me.