春江花月夜/紫釵記之紫釵遺恨 A Moonlit Night on the Spring River/Traces of the Purple Romance

春江花月夜/紫釵記之紫釵遺恨 A Moonlit Night on the Spring River/Traces of the Purple Romance

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春江花月夜/紫釵記之紫釵遺恨 A Moonlit Night on the Spring River/Traces of the Purple Romance
B.C. Chinese Orchestra 2016 Annual Concert featuring Yellow River Piano Concerto May 14, 2016 Richmond Gateway Theatre A Moonlit Night on the Spring River/Traces of the Purple Romance - Ancient Music Arr. Peng Zhang Qin Lyrics. Man Ching Fong 春江花月夜/紫釵記之紫釵遺恨 - 古曲 秦鵬章編曲 方文正詞 Conductor: Ray Zhuo 指揮: 卓汭仕 Vocalist: Helli Yemina Chung 子喉擉唱: 余仲欣 香港撰曲名家方文正先生贈與按古曲《春江花月夜》樂譜填詞之子喉獨唱曲《紫釵遺恨》,作公開首演。故事講述霍王姬與女小玉搬離王府﹐終日無寥渡日﹐後來隴西才子李益托鮑四娘物色配偶﹐鮑即介紹小玉與益。元宵夜李益與崔允明及韋夏卿同遊觀燈﹐途中為盧太尉之千金盧燕貞拾回絳紗﹐對方見益俊俏斯文遂一見鍾情。途中益再拾得一枝紫釵﹐原來乃是小玉之物﹐益見小玉貌美﹐藉機借紫釵為媒求婚。新婚數日後﹐李益赴洛陽試應試﹐考得狀元﹐惟是盧太尉把他安排於邊關駐守。三年後盧太尉把益調回京師﹐卻又威迫他與其女燕貞成婚﹐小玉聞得益的婚訊﹐以為愛郎負心﹐傷心不已﹐幸得黃衫客之助﹐把太尉定罪﹐使到夫妻得以破鏡重圓。 詞: (一)江流鐘鼓 (白)薄霧烏啼霜滿天 愁雲恨雨鎖梁園 萬里關山魂夢斷 為郎消瘦半倒顛 (唱)月滌繡簾 鐵馬敲窗亂 寂寥夜半 病數更聲攬衣凭欄前 默看秋風捲舞殘葉 記蝕骨紫釵緣 相思令奴受困 煎 唏噓飲泣淒酸 (二)月上東山 佳節裡燈街檢翠 引牽鳳鸞會見 情鴛相戀眷 君喜妾聲色雅嬌麗妍 共訂三生約 同叩天地 了素願 慰親萱 聽得丈 夫擢狀元 一家禮蒼天 (三)花影層疊 (唱)雷雨驟降桃源 權臣徇私計算 謫戍邊疆去遠 (白)果真是花不常豔 月不常圓 夫郎金榜題名 卻要轉眼別離 (唱)離情別緒 鸞鳳分飛 折毀並頭蓮 新婚燕爾千山阻斷 (白)嗟離別 痛分張 相擁痛哭倆無言 (四)水雲深際 (唱)愁腸百轉 芙蓉帳䁔 夫妻殷殷約誓叩天 盟言永不負情虔 鈿鋏刺手 和墨血花 寫出癡心憲 繫結三生 天宮 冥台亦永手牽 榮耀貴顯不足變異永心堅 妾身為君竚守別苑 意專情專愛專義專 冀得再泛舟武陵源 雞啼 曉光漸 淚別兩淒然 依依折柳囑珍重 共飲餞別筵 乞君快整歸鞭 (五)漁歌晚唱 夫別去長日素衣淚面 妾五中似有刀穿 相思懊惱千遍 和墨血涓滴 撰寄書箋慰夫念 未接夫雁札見 隻字渺然 心算 夫君遠去三載 卜燈花千遍 拜觀音叩蒼天 音訊俱斷 飯也不思悃未眠 病魔踞纏 (白)我求天天不應 拜佛佛不靈 (唱)重病乃心魔佔 何勞治理那須把醫藥延 暮旦敲經念 用當歸煎清泉 信感蒼天 (六)迴瀾拍岸 (白)癡心病 藥難療 當歸茶 為吉兆 (唱)家內斷炊煙缺賒欠 忍將紫釵賣換米錢 聽賣釵老匠人 摧語我魄心飛亂 (白)賣釵匠人言 新貴李狀元 塞外剛回轉 入贅太尉府 三台買紫釵 嫁女作妝奩 (七)欸乃歸舟 (唱)愛海翻舟 夫心已變 他諱到梁園 情老義斷 舊遺新寵附貴攀尊 誤我一生落拓誰憐 自招刦數怨對誰言 怕禀 消息慈幃淒酸 (唱)自愧輕率結孽緣 (白)癡心唯女子 薄倖是男兒 徒嘆奈何呀 (八)尾聲 (唱)魄飛魂離 心灰意冷 無顏活存 莫要升天 轉世輪迴 吞聲殮恨冤 香消化輕煙 A Moonlit Night on the Spring River is a rearrangement from multiple ancient pieces that were combined and rearranged over time. Composer Mr. Man Ching Fong wrote the lyrics for it as a Cantonese Opera female solo - "Traces of the Purple Romance" and it is premiered tonight (May 14, 2016). A scholar named yick Lee was told by a lady matchmaker that he should marry a girl who dresses in purple named Siu Yuk Fok. He happens to pick up a hairpin dropped by Fok Siu Yuk, whom Lee wants to meet. They fell for each other at first encounter. Lee admires Siu Yuk's brilliant as Siu Yuk to his poems and talents. Believed it is fate that they meet. He uses the hairpin as a betrothal gift and proposes to Siu Yuk. Persisted, he wins the blessing from Siu Yuk's mother for the couple hands in marriage that very night. Keeping promise of a husband to raise the family status, Lee passed the imperial examination. However, Lee was called by the Grand Officer Lo to serve in guarding the border shortly thereafter. Thus, Lee has to part from Siu Yuk in order to fulfill his military duty. Little did Lee knows at the time that it was a part of Officer Lo's scheme to distance lee and Siu Yuk for three long years. During those years, Siu Yuk was waiting patiently for Lee to come back. She is only to learn that lee has come back from the border and he is staying at Officer Lo's mansion. There is also news that Lee is to marry Officer Lo's fifth daughter. Upon hearing the news, Siu Yuk pays a visit to the Lo's. She then foes to the temple where she meets a chivalry elder man dressed in yellow, he who is willing to listen and sympathize with her story. He later rescues Lee from the guards at the mansion and brings him home to Siu yuk. It was Officer Lo who tricked Lee into believing Siu Yuk has sold her hairpin and that she has been remarried.