In beekeeping, it is best to save money for beekeeping equipment and avoid spending money on bees themselves. Given the right circumstances, it is possible to catch free bees. While catching swarms may seem complicated, it is easy when you understand a few basic principles. There's no need to spend money on expensive swarm catch boxes. It is most economical when you get creative, DIY-it, and make swarm traps from free items you already have laying around. Let's explore 8 swarm trap ideas from reclaimed equipment and upcycled materials.
00:00 Introduction
01:00 Conventional Thoughts on Swarm Traps
01:24 Unconventional Thoughts on Swarm Traps
02:28 What Bees Need in a Home
03:10 Swarm Trap 1 - Repurposed Old Equipment
06:00 Lures for Bees
07:05 Swarm Trap 2 - Old Nuc Boxes
08:27 Swarm Trap 3 - 5-Gallon Bucket Trap
12:09 Swarm Trap 4 - Foam Cooler Deep Body Trap
16:04 Swarm Trap 5 - Foam Cooler Double Nuc Trap
18:19 Swarm Trap 6 - A Better Use for Pro Nucs
18:58 Swarm Trap 7 - Box Store Flower Pot Traps
19:53 Swarm Trap 8 - Kitty Litter Swarm Trap
20:27 Final Thoughts