好消息,我們現在提供經濟包裝茶包:簡單包裝,更低價格,同樣美味的茶=CP值更高!最近也開始賣我們小孩喜歡穿的鄉村風蛋糕裙!還有限量的手帕和小孩的手工,由季芳精心挑選的自然靈感飾品。如果你看網站時已經售完,不用擔心,我們正在準備下一批(更多)漂亮的蛋糕裙,加上3-到4款全新的產品。敬請期待!我設計的T恤 “Explore Taiwan,” “Fatherhood,” 和 “Always Be Ready” 也還有貨,都可以在這裡買得到:https://www.metsalife.com,謝謝您的支持!
高中畢業後,我讀了戴德生(Hudson Taylor)在中國的傳教的
傳記。讀完這本書後,我強烈地想來亞洲,告訴人們福音的好消息~ "因為上帝愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的不至滅亡,反得永生。” (約翰福音
3:16) 這是值得分享的消息。我爸爸的朋友艾瑞克是一位在台灣中部與問題青少年一起工作的傳教士,在他回美國的一次旅行中,他說他願意帶我來台灣,幫助我安頓下來。這就是我需要的,一扇門打開了,我要去台灣了!
P.S. 我們忘記提到這個點。季芳小時候全家去美國四年。他爸爸在美國Colorado State念碩士和博士學位。所以季芳2-6歲都在美國,口音就很自然變成美國口音。不好意思最近影片比較少,前一陣子季芳和7女兒都感冒了。最近比較有精神,快恢復了。我們已經拍了好幾個新的(不同類型的)影片,很期待跟您分享。敬請期待
After high school I read Hudson Taylor’s biography about his missionary work in China. As soon as I finished reading the book, I felt a strong desire to come to Asia and tell people about the good news of the Gospel~ "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life.” John
3:16 This was news worth sharing. My father’s friend Eric was a missionary in central Taiwan who worked with troubled youth, and on one of his trips back to the USA, he offered to bring me to Taiwan and help me get settled down. That’s all I needed, a door was opened, and I was going to Taiwan!
My personal Taiwan adventure began in the summer of 2000. I had enrolled at the Donghai Chinese Language Center, and I was excited to begin my journey. Eric helped me get acclimated to the environment, taught me some basic customs and over the first few weeks, and helped me find a place to live. I studied at Donghai for 6 months, picking up a good foundation of the language, making friends, learning about the culture, and ultimately falling in love with this precious country. But homesickness kicked in around Thanksgiving, and I decided to return to the US to go to University. I decided to major in Chinese and TESOL. But during my time at university, all I could think about was Taiwan. After two and a half intense years of study, I got enough credits to graduate, skipped my graduation, and booked the first flight back to Taiwan. I enrolled as a student at the Chinese Language Center of Fengjia University, and began looking for English teaching work in Taichung. It was during this time at Fengjia that I visited a local church, and eventually met Christy.
I thank the Lord for bringing such a Godly, beautiful, hard working, and loving woman into my life. She is an answer to my prayers, my precious bride, an amazing mother to our daughters, and the one I want to grow old with.
In today’s video we share our story, about how we met, how I built up the courage to pursue Christy, what it was like dating, and our eventual wedding. We hope that those who are single and desire to be married someday find some bits of encouragement in our story. We are not special, nor is our family perfect, but we hope that everyone would look at marriage and family life as precious, enjoyable, worthy of honor, and worth fighting for- especially in this current age, where marriage is often delayed, and families are broken.
God is the one who keeps our marriage together. We could not do it on our own. He is our source of joy every day, our reason to love and forgive, and be patient with each other. He is our source of hope for the future. May your family likewise know the peace and joy that comes from knowing Jesus, and experience the power that He has to heal and build your family.
Peace to you and yours. We’ll see you in the next video,
Stephen and family
P.S. Forgot to mention: Christy lived in the US between 2-6 when her father got his masters and doctorate at Colorado State University. That's when she picked up the US accent.
🏪 好消息-老外爸爸網路商店開幕了,我設計的Explore Taiwan, Fatherhood, 和 Always Be Ready T恤和新手爸爸+家庭領袖線上課程都在這裡:https://www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/
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