廣州北京路地鐵站美食攻略!舊城區隱世平民粵菜酒樓!坐滿本地人!平靚正!人均消費50元!乳鴿!松子魚!蔥油撈麵!香脆多汁!只有本地人知道!街坊聚腳地!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

廣州北京路地鐵站美食攻略!舊城區隱世平民粵菜酒樓!坐滿本地人!平靚正!人均消費50元!乳鴿!松子魚!蔥油撈麵!香脆多汁!只有本地人知道!街坊聚腳地!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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廣州北京路地鐵站美食攻略!舊城區隱世平民粵菜酒樓!坐滿本地人!平靚正!人均消費50元!乳鴿!松子魚!蔥油撈麵!香脆多汁!只有本地人知道!街坊聚腳地!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
成為此頻道的會員即可獲得以下福利: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiKEIxbv4RTzyLCKG17N-AA/join #廣州 #北京路 #粵菜 餐廳名稱:CAPTAIN 餐廳地址:廣州市越秀區廟前西街15號 GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/5TEFbZ6g4xoRF2Fi7 BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/b4/lLlK 餐廳消費:澳洲和牛鳳梨貝果三明治 ¥48,Flat White ¥26 ———————————— 餐廳名稱:壹廚 餐廳地址:廣州市越秀區德政中路171號 GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/1BhmzHrdnTNs5j3R7 BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/d7/Abp 餐廳消費:乳鴿 ¥38,松子鱸魚 ¥78,蔥油撈麵 ¥35 ———————————— 廟前直街(粵拼:miu2 cin4 zik6 gaai1)是中國廣東省廣州市越秀區(原東山區)的一條東西向馬路,東起卹孤院路、煙墩路交界,西到署前路、廟前西街交界,全長224米,寬5米,1車道。 廟前直街沿路分佈有許多洋樓、老教堂、學校,及創意店鋪,可以體驗到靜謐與繁華的時光交錯。 署前路在廣州城區東部,東山口附近。南廟前西街與廟前直街交會處,南延則與龜崗路相連。北至中山一路與中山二路相接處,連接中山一路、中山二路、農林下路、東華北路,民國5年(1916年)建路,當時路旁有警察公署,故名署前路。 卹孤院路是中國廣東省廣州市越秀區(原東山區)的一條南北向馬路,北起廟前直街、煙墩路,南到河邊的新河浦路,全長360米,寬6.9米,1車道。 卹孤院路得名於20世紀初兩廣浸信會在此開辦的卹孤院。 此處原為荒地,1903年後,美南浸信會差會選擇偏僻的東山做為傳教基地,在寺貝通津、廟前西街購地,建造教堂、神學院、學校、醫院等。 東山是指中國廣東省廣州市地鐵東山口站附近的地區,即署前路、中山一路、中山二路、農林下路、東華北路相交的交通路口及附近地區。南為東湖、龜崗、東接梅花村(民國政要寓所群)、北接東風東路商業區、西接馬棚崗。 東山得名於東山寺,一座落成於明朝成化十六年(1480年)的佛教寺廟,由太監韋眷修建,初名永泰禪寺,俗稱「大鑑寺」。順治年間順治七年(1650年)重修時,前殿改建為真武廟,俗稱東山廟;後殿改建為東山寺。到了民國初年有記載「城東三里曰東山」。民國二十年(1931年),廣州市推行保甲制,始設東山區公所,這是市府以「東山」命名之始。 東山地方在民國初年以前,繫廣州城外寺院和郊野,人煙稀少。隨著廣州城的發展,廣九鐵路通車設大沙頭站,並在東山廟前直街設有鐵路道口,遂得名東山口。隨後,美南浸信會、基督復臨安息日會、等教會機構陸續在東山興建大批教堂、學校、醫院、慈善機構等各類建築,而逐漸演變為商業及居民區。 美南浸信會是到東山發展最早、勢力最大的教派。 1903年起,美南浸信會在寺貝通津購地,至1908年建成培道中學的「紅樓」與「耶德遜堂」兩所校舍,是東山最早的新式建築物。同年建成培正中學的白課堂。 1909年在寺貝通津9號建成東山浸信會堂。此外,美南浸信會在東山口興建的機構還有:美華書局(1895年)、煙墩幼兒園(1902年)、培賢神道女校和卹孤院(1903年)、慕光瞽目學校、培靈幼兒園(1913年)、兩廣浸信會神道學校(1915年19年)、兩廣浸信會安老院(1922年)以及兩廣浸信會聯合事務所,東山口成為一個名校密集的區域。 ———————— Miaoqianzhi Street (Cantonese spelling: miu2 cin4 zik6 gaai1) is an east-west road in Yuexiu District (formerly Dongshan District) of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China. It starts from the intersection of Xiuguyuan Road and Yandun Road in the east and ends at the intersection of Shuqian Road and Miaoqian West Street in the west. It is 224 meters long, 5 meters wide, and has one lane. There are many Western-style buildings, old churches, schools, and creative shops along Miaoqianzhi Street, where you can experience the interweaving of quiet and prosperous times. Shuqian Road is located in the eastern part of Guangzhou City, near Dongshankou. It starts from the intersection of Miaoqian West Street and Miaoqianzhi Street in the south, and is connected to Guigang Road in the south. It ends at the junction of Zhongshan 1st Road and Zhongshan 2nd Road in the north, connecting Zhongshan 1st Road, Zhongshan 2nd Road, Nonglinxia Road, and Donghua North Road. The road was built in the 5th year of the Republic of China (1916). At that time, there was a police office on the side of the road, so it was named Shuqian Road. Xuguyuan Road is a north-south road in Yuexiu District (formerly Dongshan District) of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China. It starts from Miaoqianzhi Street and Yandun Road in the north and ends at Xinhepu Road by the river in the south. It is 360 meters long, 6.9 meters wide and has one lane. Xuguyuan Road is named after the Xuguyuan opened by the Guangdong and Guangxi Baptist Church in the early 20th century. This place was originally a wasteland. After 1903, the Southern Baptist Mission chose the remote Dongshan as a missionary base, purchased land in Sibei Tongjin and Miaoqian West Street, and built churches, seminaries, schools, hospitals, etc. Dongshan refers to the area near Dongshankou Station of the Guangzhou Metro in Guangdong Province, China, that is, the intersection of Shuqian Road, Zhongshan 1st Road, Zhongshan 2nd Road, Nonglinxia Road, and Donghua North Road and the surrounding areas. It is connected to Donghu and Guigang in the south, Meihua Village (a group of residences of politicians in the Republic of China) in the east, Dongfeng East Road Commercial District in the north, and Mapenggang in the west. 更多精彩影片推薦: ★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★ https://youtu.be/8PmwnC0VLSQ ★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★ https://youtu.be/D9GY3TczpD0 ★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★ https://youtu.be/rpSFLvF9jzc ★中山最隱世漁村食海鮮★ https://youtu.be/E5lSUfKcudA ★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★ https://youtu.be/3OQPSiN5um8 —————————————————— Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:34 東山飲咖啡西式早餐 05:32 廟前西街/CAPTAIN/澳洲及牛鳳貝果三明治/Flat White 12:17 農曆新年過後的北京路 16:28 文明路名字的由來 20:34 壹廚/讀餐牌時間 22:18 乳鴿/松子鱸魚/蔥油撈麵 31:58 越秀老城區/清水濠/萬福路/北京路 50:07 Ending —————————— #广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #北京路 #粵菜 #東山口 #廟前西街 #地鐵站 #美食 #美食攻略 #舊城區 #粵菜酒樓 #乳鴿 #松子魚 #蔥油撈面 #food tourism #food tour in china #china tour guide #china tour vlog #cantonese podcast #北京路步行街 广州 #china tourism