Daniel's a millwright and knows how to fix anything... so he knows his stuff when it comes to motorcycle electrical systems. The most expendable tool at FortNine is #46, and he's got his work cut out for him.
Antigravity Re-Start Lithium Ion Battery: https://frt9.co/4tbsr4
Kimpex HD Universal Battery Voltmeter: https://frt9.co/cesegv
Automotive Test Light w/ Old-School Tungsten Bulb: https://frt9.co/i831gx
Waterproof Heat-Shrink Tubing Kit: https://frt9.co/cvtsyv
Multi Crimp Lever Pliers: https://frt9.co/b8rwwg
First Aid Kit: https://frt9.co/ku2f9w
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Directed and Edited by Robin Munshaw