Top 5 SCARY videos of GHOSTS caught on camera! AND some REALLY CREEPY stuff I missed and got called out by viewers! :-) This week in "scary videos" - We have a paranormal investigation of the very haunted Clown Motel, where ghost hunters find some intense poltergeist activity. Ghostly screaming on LIVE TV at a haunted house, a singing ghost caught on camera in a haunted theater, a haunted house where something paranormal shakes the doors, and a scary game that might go a bit too far in one of the scariest videos of a "lets play" I've ever seen... We also take a second look at a haunted tik tok ghost video that might reveal a shadow figure or apparition that I didn't see.
If you liked this Nuke's Top 5 list, you should also check out our other lists, like Top 5 Ghost Videos SO SCARY They Should BAN Tiktok !
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