1. Allen v. Toliver - A Georgia woman hopes a DNA test result will end her ex's paternity doubts and motivate him to accept a child who has a serious health issue.
2. Wray v. Wise/Eastham - An Ohio woman isn't sure which one of two men is her son's father.
3. Hayes v. Hayes - A Texas woman demands a paternity test after her sister sleeps with her husband.
4. Burks v. Brown - A Columbus, GA man denies he's the father of a 30 year old woman. He's paid more than $40,000 of child support and he wants his money back!
5. Jackson III v. Jackson - They had their first sexual encounter in the "Green Grass Motel". Now, an Atlanta, GA man comes to court hoping the son she said he fathered 20-years-ago is really his.
6. Smith v. Laster/Hicks (Part 1) - After their son and brother’s sudden death two women came forward claiming he fathered a child with each of them. They will get to the bottom of this paternity saga in Lauren Lake’s Court
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$40,000 In Child Support For A Child That Isn't His? (Marathon) | Paternity Court
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