Ruy Lopez traps from beginner to Grandmaster level, for both white and black and sorted by variation.
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The Spanish Game, or the Ruy Lopez, is the richest opening in chess, and, even though it has been extensively analyzed and studied by probably every Gm and theoretitian, there are still many traps you could fall into! I tried to make a list of the best traps in the Ruy Lopez for both white and for black.
Some are basic and simple, traps only beginners could fall for, but many are very advanced, traps which even Grandmasters have fallen for and lost as a result.
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00:00 Intro
00:35 1: Noah's Ark Trap
02:05 2: The Mortimer Trap
04:00 3: Neo-Archangel v., Smothered Mate trap
10:44 4: The Archangel Trap
14:21 5: Blackburne's Trap
17:20 6: Beginner's Knight moves
19:41 7: Exchange Spanish Bait
21:50 8: Exchange V. Advanced Tactics
25:35 9: Exchange V., Loose Bishop
26:41 10: Exchange V., the f6 Trap
27:55 11: Exchange V., Main line trap
30:37 12: Exchange v. Not the Petrov!
33:09 13: Exchange v., The simplest blunder
34:20 14: Trying to trap the bishop and failing
36:30 15: The Anti-Marshall Bishop Sac
40:09 16: Karpov's Open Spanish Trap
43:47 17: Open Spanish Trap by Tarrasch
46:03 18: Open V., The 20 moves of theory Trap
49:19 19: Open v. An intuitive Queen Blunder
50:29 20: Steinitz Defense, Tarrasch's Trap
52:56 21: The Improved Steinitz Trap
54:47 22: Berlin Endgame Trap
57:17 23: Berlin V. Winawer's Trap
59:52 24: Tiviakov's Trap
01:01:51 25: Mackenzie Variation Trap
01:03:56 26: Mackenzie Variation Queen sac, Capablanca-Meyer 1908
01:06:45 27: Cozio Defense trap
01:08:53 28: Cozio Queen sac