【2024大阪自由行】EP1.10天9夜吃貨行程!日本三大和牛近江牛吃到飽/日本SNS爆紅死前都想吃的親子丼/25家一次看個過癮!w/ ENG sub

【2024大阪自由行】EP1.10天9夜吃貨行程!日本三大和牛近江牛吃到飽/日本SNS爆紅死前都想吃的親子丼/25家一次看個過癮!w/ ENG sub

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【2024大阪自由行】EP1.10天9夜吃貨行程!日本三大和牛近江牛吃到飽/日本SNS爆紅死前都想吃的親子丼/25家一次看個過癮!w/ ENG sub
店名都在金額上方一排,可能字體太小速度太快不容易看清楚😆佩特拉已開Google Map清單分享,在FB佩特拉去哪裡粉專裡,歡迎參考取用🎉 The store names are all lined up above the amounts. The font might be too small or the speed too fast to be easily readable. Petra has already shared the Google Map list on the 'Petra Play Around' Facebook page. Feel free to refer to and use it. 粉專這邊走And here it is👉 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552070541246&mibextid=LQQJ4d Google Map 清單底加Google Map list shared also👉https://maps.app.goo.gl/QXTCSvKkUBeup76z6 10 Days of Food Heaven: Omi Beef, Viral Oyakodon, and 25 Top Eateries in Osaka! Osaka is renowned as a gastronomic haven in Japan, celebrated for its diverse and delectable street food as well as traditional dishes. The city’s rich culinary culture attracts numerous food enthusiasts and gourmets from all over the world. First and foremost, Takoyaki, or octopus balls, is perhaps the most iconic Osaka delicacy. This popular street food consists of a batter filled with pieces of octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onions, cooked in a specialized mold until crispy on the outside and soft inside. Typically topped with mayonnaise, takoyaki sauce, seaweed powder, and bonito flakes, these savory snacks are a ubiquitous sight on the streets of Osaka. Next, Okonomiyaki is another signature dish of Osaka. Often referred to as a Japanese savory pancake, okonomiyaki is made from a batter mixed with eggs, cabbage, meat (usually pork), and other ingredients, grilled on a hotplate. Diners can customize their okonomiyaki with various toppings, and the dish is usually finished with a special sauce, mayonnaise, seaweed powder, and bonito flakes, offering a delightful medley of flavors and textures. Additionally, Kushikatsu, or skewered and deep-fried foods, is another must-try in Osaka. Various ingredients such as meat, seafood, and vegetables are skewered, coated in breadcrumbs, and fried to golden perfection. Often served with a unique dipping sauce, kushikatsu provides a distinct and satisfying eating experience. Besides these well-known snacks, Osaka also boasts a range of traditional Japanese foods such as sushi, udon, and ramen, each infused with the local flavors that make them special. The culinary culture in Osaka is not only about the food itself but also the warm hospitality and vibrant dining experiences that come with it. Whether dining in high-end restaurants or casual street stalls, one can feel the city's passion for food and its dedication to culinary excellence. In conclusion, Osaka's culinary scene is vibrant and diverse, with each dish reflecting the ingenuity and heart of the local people. Whether you are a novice to Japanese cuisine or a seasoned food connoisseur, Osaka offers a taste paradise that caters to every palate. 大阪是日本著名的美食之都,以其多樣且美味的街頭小吃和傳統料理而聞名。這座城市的飲食文化豐富多樣,吸引了眾多食客和美食愛好者。 首先,大阪最具代表性的美食非章魚小丸子(たこ焼き)莫屬。這道小吃由麵糊、章魚塊、天婦羅渣、紅薑和青蔥混合後在專門的模具中烤製而成,外酥內軟,味道鮮美。章魚小丸子通常配以美乃滋、章魚燒醬、海苔粉和柴魚片食用,是大阪街頭巷尾隨處可見的小吃。 其次,御好燒(お好み焼き)也是大阪的特色美食之一。御好燒是一種日本煎餅,由麵糊、雞蛋、卷心菜、肉類(通常是豬肉)和其他配料混合後在鐵板上煎製而成。食客可以根據個人喜好選擇不同的配料,並在煎好後淋上特製醬汁、美乃滋,再撒上海苔粉和柴魚片。 此外,大阪的串炸(串カツ)也是不容錯過的美食。串炸是將各種食材,如肉類、海鮮、蔬菜等,串成串後裹上麵包屑油炸至金黃酥脆。這道小吃通常配有特製的醬料,食用時別有一番風味。 除了以上幾種小吃,大阪的壽司、烏冬麵和拉麵等日本傳統美食也同樣具有獨特的地方風味。大阪的飲食文化不僅體現在食物本身,還包括了當地人熱情好客的服務和豐富多彩的飲食體驗。無論是在高檔餐廳還是街頭小攤,都能感受到這座城市對美食的熱愛和追求。 總之,大阪的美食文化多姿多彩,每一種料理都充滿了當地人的智慧和心意。無論是對日本料理初次接觸的遊客,還是美食老饕,都能在大阪找到屬於自己的味覺天堂。 對食物的偏好和美味的認定,大家認知不同各有好惡!以上食記純屬個人不專業不負責分享XD! 歡迎加入佩特拉去哪裡FB社團,連結底加⬇️⬇️⬇️那邊比較荒便LDS🤣 https://www.facebook.com/groups/409619107823856 IG專頁也在持續補進中!習慣用IG的底加⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://www.instagram.com/petra.play.around 拍攝器材:iPhone 12 Pro Max 剪輯軟體:剪映電腦版 時間軸: 00:00 摘要 01:01 道頓堀美食 02:39 梅田美食 07:09 難波美食 09:15 心齋橋美食 28:10 限定美食 28:48 限定花季