Learn the 20+ items that have saved us literally thousands of dollars through the years! These are essential items we feel enhance and allow us to live our best frugal life. Early retirement debt free couple shows you how you can have an abundant and full life while spending less money!
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Frugal Money Saver
P.O. Box 256
Jefferson Valley, NY 10535
**CAUTION** As with any vintage cookbook some of the recipes may not meet up to modern food safety regulations. Please make sure you follow modern food safety measures, applications, and precautions if creating ANY vintage recipes.
**The information provided by FRUGAL MONEY SAVER channel is for general informational purposes only. These are our opinions only. Always use caution and care when following the procedures mentioned in Frugal Money Saver videos. The creators of these videos will not be held responsible for any negative effects that may arise from using methods mentioned in our videos.