#improvisation #theory #modes
Dear Fellow Musician:
I look forward to walking you through improvising with music theory. During over a decade of studying music in college, including a doctoral program at UCSB, I saw the need to integrate theory, musicianship, creativity, and repertoire. I have delved into creative integration for over 20 years with my students and compositions. Several of my students have won awards at the California state level in MTAC’s Composers Today and PTA’s Reflections. Here are links to my creative documents and videos:
The Tonal House Document
Characteristics of Modes Related to Triadic and Pentatonic Cores.
Learn to improvise from and resolve to a tonal center.
Tonal House Videos
1. Learn to Improvise in Major & Minor:
2. Relative Modes (Same Key Signature) & Parallel Modes (Same Home):
3. Learn to Improvise in Lydian, Ionian, & Mixolydian (Same Major Triad & Pentatonic Core):
4. Learn to Improvise in Dorian, Aeolian, & Phrygian (Same Minor Triad & Pentatonic Core):
5. Learn to Improvise in All Parallel Modes with 7th Chords & Chromaticism:
Other Creative Documents
God bless you and yours,
Mark Lybarger-Monson, Ph.D.