00:00 前言
00:46 救國同盟
04:36 亞歷山大駕崩
08:56 兩軍開戰
1825 年的俄羅斯聖彼得堡,參議院廣場上兩軍對峙,一場改變俄國命運的戰斗即將打響。滿懷理想的貴族青年組成起義軍,面對沙皇尼古拉的大炮毫不退縮。這不是虛構,而是真實發生的十二月黨人起義。從法國巴黎的思想啟蒙,到俄國國內的社會矛盾激化,這場起義為何走向失敗,又為何被俄羅斯人肯定?
In 1825, two armies confronted each other in the Senate Square in St. Petersburg, Russia. A battle that would change the fate of Russia was about to begin. Young nobles with ideals formed an uprising army and did not flinch in the face of Tsar Nicholas's cannons. This was not fiction, but the real Decembrist uprising. From the ideological enlightenment in Paris, France, to the intensification of social contradictions in Russia, why did this uprising fail, and why was it recognized by the Russians?