10x your chances of landing a Ruby on Rails Job

10x your chances of landing a Ruby on Rails Job

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10x your chances of landing a Ruby on Rails Job
Are you tired of applying for Ruby on Rails jobs without getting any traction? Are you a newbie who wants a foot in the door? I feel you! It's tough out there, but I'm here to share some insider tips that have proven to be effective, potentially 10x-ing your chances of landing your dream job Ruby on Rails job. ### The market is awful at the moment. First, let's take a crash course in economics to understand why getting a job today is much harder than just a couple of years ago. At the time of writing, the job market is crap for tech-focused roles. There have been a series of layoffs at several companies that signal signs of market disruption. The Federal Reserve in the USA has increased interest rates, so borrowing money is becoming increasingly costly globally. Without borrowed capital, businesses can’t grow as fast as they like, and some will need to downsize or sadly go out of business due to overhiring when times were better just a couple of years ago. For some wild reason, this is intentional because (at least in the United States) the government manipulates our money supply. This causes booms, busts, inflation, and bubbles. The only tool they have to combat this issue is increasing borrowing costs so people and businesses start borrowing less. Great lesson, Andy. What the hell does this have to do with Ruby on Rails jobs? I say all this because, at the end of the day, this affects the workforce. The government wants to see unemployment rise right now, which, while crazy, helps keep their manipulation of the dollar under wraps so it doesn’t get too far out of hand (some would argue it already has). So, if you’re struggling to find work, this is the biggest reason. Let’s move on to what you can do about it. You can do several unconventional and conventional things to 10x your chances of getting a Ruby on Rails job today. Read the full guide at: https://webcrunch.com/posts/get-ruby-on-rails-jobs 1. Always be searching 2. Write to share your knowledge and build personal projects 3. Participate in Hackathons and Coding Challenges 4. Contribute to open-source projects in unconventional ways 5. Develop a Unique Skillset Combination 6. Create a GitHub Repository of Coding Experiments 7. Write a Book or eBook 8. Create a Podcast or Interview Series 9. Be Authentic and Passionate 10. Optimize your resume ====== 👋 I'm Andy Leverenz, a passionate product designer and developer. I love creating and sharing my knowledge through design, coding, and writing. Join me on my journey by checking out my blog, Web-Crunch (https://webcrunch.com), where I publish tutorials, articles, and the occasional vlog about design and development. 📰 Never miss an update! Click here to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/webcrunch?sub_confirmation=1 💻 Read the written version: https://webcrunch.com/posts/get-ruby-on-rails-jobs 💎 New to Ruby on Rails? Enroll in my course HELLO RAILS: https://hellorails.io 💻 The Blog (my source of truth): https://webcrunch.com Additional Links: 🎨 Bring life to Rails projects with Rails UI: https://railsui.com. 👨‍💻 Hire me: Visit: https://railsui.com/custom 🐤 https://twitter.com/webcrunchblog. ⚙️ https://github.com/justalever. Also, this stuff takes a long time to make, but I love to do it. To help me keep at it, consider supporting me. If not monetarily, subscribe to the channel or share it with someone! ✨ https://github.com/sponsors/justalever ☕️ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/webcrunch