На этом участке в КП «Руза Фэмили Парк» мы реализуем сад, который обещает стать новым шедевром от Royal Gardens.
Площадь участка составляет 29,4 сотки, из которых под благоустройство осталась площадь 22,4 сотки.
💫 Всем приятного просмотра! *
Я на RUTUBE https://rutube.ru/channel/7765896/
Telegram-канал Royal Gardens https://t.me/royalgardens_ru
Полезные схемы, таблицы из роликов https://t.me/kordubaeva
Информационные посты Royal Gardens https://instagram.com/royalgardens.ru?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
По вопросам сотрудничества пишите:
[email protected]
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Artlist Song Certificate
Creator Pro License Number - MxpSAK
License owner - Артур Бегель
This Song Certificate is granted by Artlist Ltd (hereinafter: "Artlist"), to: Артур Бегель (hereinafter: the "Client")
as of 5 Apr 2024, regarding the use of the song Ea created by Hans Johnson (hereinafter: the "Song") by the
Artlist hereby grants the Client a non-exclusive, worldwide and perpetual license to integrate and synchronize
the Song including the sound recording rights and musical composition rights necessary for this use into an
audio-visual work (hereinafter: the "Project") and use the Song as part of the Project in accordance with Artlist's
Terms of Use and Creator Pro License.
The Creator Pro License allows the Client to commercially use and otherwise exploit the Song as part of the
Project, including to reproduce and perform the Song in public, as well as to allow others to do so, all as
detailed in the Creator Pro License.