10 BIGgest DESIGN MISTAKES made in the Permaculture Orchard
10 DESIGN MISTAKES I've made in the Permaculture Orchard. Please don't make THESE same mistakes, errors, fails (Part 1 of 4 MISTAKES Series)
YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES. Learn from mine, make some of your own. Make adjustments Principle # 12 in Permaculture : ‘Creatively use and respond to change’ with the feedback loop. There comes a point when you just need to start, everything will not be perfect, you will never know absolutely everything you need to know. Mistakes are a part of life. Make mistakes and learn from them.
Have trees already? NEW PRUNING COURSE. Start for free at http://pruningcourse.com
Intrigued and want to VISIT the Permaculture Orchard? Start your VIRTUAL TOUR of the Permaculture Orchard for FREE at : http://miracle.farm/en/vt1/
Want to LEARN how to setup your own Permaculture Orchard or Planting? Watch the FILM 'The Permaculture Orchard: Beyond Organic' http://www.permacultureorchard.com
Want FOOD see The Farm: http://miracle.farm
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