Litany of Proper Death can be used to take care of skeleton minions without them resurrecting.
Darkness is great for disguising your buff selection or charging a spell in PvP.
Elden Stars chews ass.
If you'd like more tips on how to use Elden Ring's magic system, then... well I hope I satisfied you because we just finished that.
Y'all Mind If I Rank Some Elden Ring Talismans? (PATCH 1.04) ►
1 QUICK TIP for ALL Elden Ring Sorceries (PATCH 1.04) ►
1 QUICK TIP vs. EVERY Elden Ring Boss ►
Thumbnail art by @jonnyloaf
#eldenring #eldenringguide
0:02 Agheel's Flame
0:15 Ancient Dragon Lightning Spear
0:31 Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike
0:49 Aspects of the Crucible - Breath
1:05 Aspects of the Crucible - Horns
1:22 Aspects of the Crucible - Tail
1:34 Assassin's Approach
1:41 Barrier of Gold
1:59 Beast Claw
2:16 Bestial Constitution
2:18 Bestial Sling
2:27 Bestial Vitality
2:40 Black Blade
2:59 Black Flame
3:17 Blackflame Blade
3:34 Black Flame's Protection
3:45 Blackflame Ritual
4:00 Blessing of the Erdtree
4:16 Blessing's Boon
4:38 Bloodboon
4:41 Bloodflame Blade
4:55 Bloodflame Talons
5:10 Borealis's Mist
5:21 Burn, O Flame!
5:32 Catch Flame
5:42 Cure Poison
5:48 Darkness
6:11 Death Lightning
6:29 Discus of Light
6:44 Dragonbolt Blessing
6:59 Dragonclaw
7:16 Dragonfire/Dragonice
7:32 Dragonmaw
7:47 Ekzykes's Decay
8:07 Elden Stars
8:11 Electrify Armament
8:31 Erdtree Heal
8:35 Fire's Deadly Sin
8:50 Flame Fortification
8:56 Flame Sling
9:07 Flame of the Fell God
9:20 Flame, Cleanse Me
9:27 Flame, Fall Upon Them
9:43 Flame, Grant Me Strength
9:57 Flame, Protect Me
10:00 Fortissax's Lightning Spear
10:06 Frenzied Burst
10:17 Frozen Lightning Spear
10:26 Giantsflame Take Thee
10:35 Glintstone Breath
10:47 Golden Lightning Fortification
10:59 Golden Vow
11:13 Great Heal
11:16 Greyoll's Roar
11:28 Gurranq's Beast Claw
11:38 Heal
11:49 Honed Bolt
12:09 Howl of Shabriri
12:28 Immutable Shield
12:42 Inescapable Frenzy
13:01 Lansseax's Glaive
13:07 Law of Casuality
13:30 Law of Regression
13:46 Lightning Fortification
13:59 Lightning Spear
14:10 Lightning Strike
14:21 Litany of Proper Death
14:41 Lord's Aid
15:00 Lord's Divine Fortification
15:19 Magic Fortification
15:34 Magma Breath
15:52 Noble Presence
16:00 O, Flame!
16:11 Order Healing
16:17 Order's Blade
16:24 Pest Threads
16:36 Placidusax's Ruin
16:53 Poison Armament & Poison Mist
17:10 Protection of the Erdtree
17:15 Radagon's Rings of Light
17:41 Rejection
17:43 Rotten Breath
17:59 Scarlet Aeonia
18:13 Scouring Black Flame
18:25 Shadow Bait
18:30 Smarag's Glintstone Breath
18:45 Stone of Gurranq
18:48 Surge, O Flame!
18:59 Swarm of Flies
19:15 The Flame of Frenzy
19:29 Theodorix's Magma
19:36 Triple Rings of Light
19:55 Unendurable Frenzy
19:56 Urgent Heal
20:01 Vyke's Dragonbolt
20:30 Whirl, O Flame!
20:40 Wrath of Gold