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演奏:孔子文 打谱、传承:李凤云 录音:曹晓冬 录像、妆造:三人照相馆 《离骚》,此曲为晚唐琴家陈康士据屈原辞所作,由当代琴家李凤云据《神奇秘谱》打谱。《离骚》共十八拍,每拍都以屈原的诗句作为小标题。 这首乐曲的用音不局限于五声音阶,曲中丰富的变音赋予了乐曲神秘、自由的气质。乐曲由泛音段落开篇,情绪抑郁、显隐莫测,而后逐渐转变为悲愁交加,时而豪爽,时而激愤…… 《琴学初津》对此曲评价为“始则抑郁,继则豪爽”,实在贴切。 Encountering Sorrow (handed down by Li Fengyun) This one was composed by the late Tang guqin player Chen Kangshi based on Qu Yuan’s poem, and constructed by the contemporary guqin player Li Fengyun as per Mysterious Qin Score. Encountering Sorrow involves eighteen beats, each of which is subtitled with a line from Qu Yuan’s poem. The melody is not limited to the pentatonic scale. Variations of sounds give it a mysterious and free style. It begins with floating sounds, depressing and inscrutable, and then it gradually turns into a mixture of sadness and distress, sometimes cordial and sometimes furious... It is aptly described as “melancholy at the beginning, followed by boldness” in Qinxue Chujin.