Lives of the Sahaba 1 - Abu Bakr As-Siddiq Pt.1 - His family background - Yasir Qadhi
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In this new series, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the lives of the Sahaba, some of the greatest and most blessed human beings to ever live after the death of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him [S].
While not a comprehensive history of the Khulafa Ar-Rashidoon, this series will provide a summarized biography of the men and women considered to be the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet [s]), including the Mothers of the Believers (the wives of the Prophet).
As for the comprehensive and controversial details of this era, Shaykh Dr. Yasir's shares the opinion of Imam Ahmad who once said "That was a time when Allah (SWT) had saved us from participating with our hands, so why don't we save ousrselves from participating with our tongues."
We begin this journey with none other than Abu Bakr As-Siddiq [R], the greatest of all of the Sahaba [R].
The full name of Abu Bakr was Abdullah Ibn Uthman. He was from the sub tribe of Quraysh, known as Banu Taym.
"Abu Bakr" was a nickname (lakab) given by his father. Bakr stands for a young energetic camel and "the one who has and controls such camels, is wealthy, etc." His father's nickname was Abu Quhafa (real name Uthman), who accepted Islam at the conquest of Makkah. Abu Bakr [R] had cried and made the famous statement "I wish Abu Talib was here instead of my own father" showing his love for the Prophet [S].
His mother was Salma Bint Sakr, who accepted Islam much earlier as one of the first female converts.
Abu Bakr [R] was tall and extremely skinny, with a light-wheatish skin tone.
He was the most knowledgeable and beloved of all sahaba in the science of genealogy (I'lmul Ansaab), while never uttering vulgarity towards any tribe.
He was of chaste, dignified and decent character. Even before coming to Islam, he never drank alcohol, engaged in pre-marital intimacy or venerated/prostrated to an idol in his life. He rejected idols very similar to Prophet Ibrahim [A.S.].
He was also known to be extremely gentle and soft hearted.
It was said to him "You are the one who is good to his relatives, takes care of the orphan, feeds the poor and helps the one in distress."
These almost identical phrases were uttered by Khadija [R] to the Prophet Muhammad [S], demonstrating the overlapping characteristics/Akhlaq of Prophet Muhammad [S] and Abu Bakr As-Siddiq [R].
Abu Bakr [R] was engaged in trade as a young man, and amassed a moderate amount of wealth.
Abu Bakr [R] was given several titles in his lifetime.
Al-Atiq, given by his mother, meant "the one who is freed/saved" from death (unlike his elder siblings).
Another narration suggests it was given by the Prophet Muhammad [S] as "always the first" to do good.
In another hadith, Prophet Muhammad [S] also said to Abu Bakr: "Rejoice, as you are the one who Allah has saved from the Fire" [Al Atiq Allah Min AnNaar]
As-Siddq, "the truthful" was his primary title and is mentioned in Bukhari where the Prophet [S] says: "Calm down Uhud, for the only people on you are a Nabi, a Siddiq and 2 shaheeds."
Also from the famous incident of Seerah where Abu Bakr said of the journey of the Prophet [S] on Isra Wa'l Mi'raj "If he has said this, then he has spoken the truth" without even hearing it from the Prophet [S] directly yet. Hence, he was called As-Siddiq, the truthful.
Abu Bakr [R] also enjoys the status and honor of being the first to accept Islam without any hesitiation or argument, also demonstrating why he was titled as the Siddiq.
He was also given the title of Al-Atqa, the one with the most taqwa.
Also mentioned in this lecture are:
-Abu Bakr's family life, including an eventual 4 marriages resulting in 3 sons and 3 daughters.
-Abdullah and Asma bint Abu Bakr were from his first marriage to Qutaylah bint Abd Al-Uzza, who was divorced before Islam
-Second wife Umm Ruman had Aisha [R] and Abdul Rahman
-Third wife Asma bint Umays (ex-wife of Ja'far ibn Abu Talib) had Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr
-Fourth wife Habiba bint Kharija had Umm Khultun
-Abu Bakr's family entire immediate family converted to Islam, unlike any other Sahabi.
Lives of the Sahaba - A lecture series profiling the Companions of the Prophet (S).
Join Dr. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi as he discusses the lives of the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet), some of the greatest and most blessed human beings to ever live after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (S).
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